918 The Creative Needle Sewing Club (CNSC)

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September 2008: free Christmas charts
Archive (6)


Leeland said...

Hi Marcella!
No time to check if they're on your site already but see A Mon Ami Pierre for a new alphabet tree freebie and Blue Ribbon Designs for a new Xmas freebie.
Thanks again for your great blog. What would we -stitchers- do without you?!!!
PS: I know you love cats. Please read my blog. My two latest posts are about a lethal accident that happened to my youngest cat and I'm trying to inform as many people as possible about the danger of a certain type of window. As your blog is much read, I think it would be great if you could give this information. No need to make a link to my blog. That's not what I'm looking for. You may copy whatever information you want there.
Thank you.

LaGattaC said...

Thank you very much Lili, I was missing the latest free of AMAP ;-)
Actually, I read your post few days ago and I was very impressed about what happened to your Salem.
It's a very sad circumstance, I understand your sorrow.
Take care.