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Just for fun

The latest complaint sent to LaGattaC Police Station :-P
Original message:
9 ottobre 2008 17.56
(omissis) has left a new comment on your post "Contact"
I have been going through your lists little by little since discoveringthis page a few weeks ago and I commend you on you efforts and thank you profusely.
I must tell you, however, that you are listing a site that engages in unethical and illegal practices. They have copied a phot and text from my blog without permission, which was bad enough, but I have since found out that the photo of the design they stole from me is a design they stole from someone else to begin with! They are calling their design (omissis) and this design comes directly from the book Le Filet Brode, available at the (page 26).
I have no idea if they have engaged in these practices with other designs but I have removed all the freebies I had from them from my hard drive and will have no dealings with them in the future except to get the stuff they stole from me removed from their website.
I thought you would want to know so that you could remove them from the list.
The site in question is (omissis) and the stolen photo/commentary is currently located on the gallery page (omissis) --- end

Dear (omissis)
I visited your blog and I could not find a word on the matter, so I left your comment where also your visitors can read what happens between you and (omissis). Of course it has been deleted.
How comes you want it published on my blog but not on yours? You have my mail address