Uno dei nostri itinerari incrocia un canile, oggi abbiamo deciso di portare con noi uno degli ospiti ed essendo la prima volta abbiamo chiesto un cane docile.
Ecco Bill, cane non giovanissimo tristemente cieco e sordo, ma incredibilmente resistente alla marcia, praticamente ha segnato il passo per quasi tutto il percorso.

Here is Bill an old dog blind and deaf living in a kennel not far from home, today we ask the permission to have him for a walk, he was unexpectedly fast considering his age.
bisous pour Bill!
Is Bill an Airedale Terrier?
I grew up with two of them (separately) and they are beautiful dogs, real characters too.
I really don't know but I think so, in the kennel there are also purebred dogs.
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