“I will know how to contact Windy Willow (the mail is not good)
I would like to find this nice cross stitch but I do not know who the designer (créator) is and where I can buy the chart. With all my thanks. Very friendly. Mary” (original message)
J'ai reçu cette demande de Mary (France), on-peut l'aider?

“Je voudrais savoir comment contacter Windy Willows (le courrier ne fonctionne pas). J'aimerais trouver cette jolie grille mais je ne connais pas la designer même pas où l'acheter. Merci beaucoup. Amicalement. Mary”
Ho ricevuto questa richiesta da Mary (Francia), possiamo aiutarla?

“Vorrei sapere come contattare Windy Willows (la mail non funziona).Mi piacerebbe trovare questo grazioso schema ma non ne conosco l'autrice e non so dove acquistarlo. Molte grazie. Amichevolmente. Mary”
He recibido este pedido de Mary (Francia), podemos ayudarla?

“Quiero saber cómo ponerse en contacto con Windy Willows (el correo no funciona)
Me gustaría encontrar este gráfico bonito pero no sé quién es la diseñadora y donde puedo comprarlo. Muchas gracias. Amistosamente. Mary”
J'ai longuement regardé sur le site Windy Willows, à part les frees il n'y a pas d'autres grilles disponibles sur son site.
On ne peut pas non plus lui envoyer de mail ni laisser de commentaire. Désolée de ne pouvoir en dire plus.
Marie (amiamy)
Da quello che Babelfish ha tradotto dal giapponese all'inglese, mi pare di capire che non hanno schemi disponibili se non quelli free.
Ti riporto la traduzione in inglese della home page di Windy Willows.
Un saluto
Welcome, it was and others the [tsu] plain gauze was. The leash densely is. It enjoys handmade to as the air faces. ***** I' m Ayako and I enjoy needlework. ****** Before you ask questions, PLEASE READ IT and AT FIRST - - - - - Link Free - - - - - When linking, we ask to this page Please link this page. It is regret, but we cannot answer your questions as a general rule. As for the fact that among other things it is not understood technically in the stock book and the like, as for procurement and the like of the material The self solution making use of the search sight and the like the fish we ask. Presently, sale and the like of original design has not done. In addition, there is no either schedule of sale. In separate demand Because it is unable to correspond, there is no excuse, but please acknowledge. original designs are NOT available now except free chart.
Voici ce qu'elle dit sur son site:
Thank you for your coming.
I'm Ayako of Windy Willows.
I would like to ask you a favor for enjoying my home page.
1. I'm sorry, I can understand only Japanese.And I can read and write English very very a little.
I can not always understand mails written in foreign language.I can not always return mail.
2. My original designs are NOT available now except for free charts.I'm very sorry, but I can't accept the order of charts.
3. I'm an only amateur, so basically I can't answer the questions about technique, materials and so on.
En conclusion:elle ne vend pas et ne publie pas ses grillettes personnelles.A part les frees.
Bonne soirée - Christa
The designer of the mentioned cross stitch is Ayako. She is the site owner of Windy Willows.
On the top page of Windy Willows' site, she says that "Original designs are NOT available now except free chart".
I regret to say that the mentioned design is not a free chart.
I'm sorry I cannot help you more.
I've read the notice on Windy Willows' site and I counted upon some authorized retailers.
Mary has no chance to buy her chart :-(, maybe she can find something similar on the net.
Have a nice day. Marcella
interessante il tuo blog, condividiamo l'interesse per P.Odifreddi. A presto.
Hi Marcella!
Seizing the opportunity to say Hi and thanks for continuing this blog.
I hope you're OK.
Many hugs to you,
Hi dear Lili, yes I'm fine and glad to have your news. Hugs.
Merci beaucoup à vous toutes!!!
Merci Marcella!!Merci pour ce blog si précieux.
Peut être la créatrice verra mon message!! Où quelqu'un qui saurait le japonais!!
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